Work with us
The excellence which has always marked out our Law Firm's activity also arises from the search of our collaborators.
Our aim is that of ensuring a quick, efficient and highly qualified service to our Clients. The achievement of any such aim depends on the skills and commitment of our lawyers and collaborators.
For such purpose, we would like to attract the best students and young lawyers, and make them grow professionally through continuous professional development aimed at fully developing their potential.
In order to achieve any such results, we have outlined a training procedure based on:
- an immediate involvement in all activities, under the supervision of lawyers with greater experience, and on the development and refinement of the relational, managerial and communication qualities with clients, counterparties and colleagues;
- seminars and language courses organised by our Law Firm, for continuous professional development purposes;
- all the best legal research tools, from a wide collection of magazines, periodicals, treatises and essays, to the most modern computer research systems, which may be accessed from any computer.
If you are interested and you think that you meet the profile we are looking for, please send us a short cover letter enclosing your curriculum vitae and, if you are a newly graduate, please also include all exams sat and the relevant marks.
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